Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day # 24

We are home from our spectacular trip. After our Route 66 trip we had fun with a summary of trip facts. We will do that again for New England:

Adding Maine to our map.
Trip Facts - Just for Fun:

Number of days of travel: 24

Number of miles driven: 4,626

Number of states we visited: We drove through 6 states in addition to the states we actually toured, which were Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York. 

Number of new states visited: None for me, but two for Kaylyn and Miss Marshmallow: Rhode Island and Maine. 

Cheapest gas: $3.78 in Vermont. Most expensive: $4.15 in Connecticut.

Average mpg of truck: about 13

Number of nights in campgrounds: 15 sequential nights at 9 different campgrounds

Number of nights we ran the heater in the camper: 14

Average price of campgrounds: $37.65 (Oddest discount - one campground gave us 10% off because Kaylyn is a nurse!)

Amount spent on admissions and tours: (this is a nasty one!) $839, which includes three higher priced items, the Whale Watching ($118), the all-day bus tour of Boston ($124) and the cog up Mt. Washington ($124) for the two of us.

Number of days we had no lunch! 9 days - we were busy trying to get as much done as we could!

Forms of pumpkin Kaylyn ate: pudding, pancakes, donuts, whoopie pie, muffin.

Number of bakeries we visited: 4

Favorite day: in Acadia, the day we went Whale Watching, climbed along the precipice on the Beehive Trail, then had afternoon tea at Jordan Tea House. Kaylyn's favorite place we visited on this trip was Acadia.

Favorite meal of the trip: Breakfast at Polly's Pancake Parlor in Franconia, NH

In retrospect, a few of our favorite activities were:
- the behind-the-scenes Servants' Tour at the Elms in Newport, RI;
- the demonstration on how glass is made at the Sandwich Museum on Cape Cod;
- attending Water Fire in Providence, RI;
- touring the Louisa May Alcott House and Mark Twain houses because we learned the stories of the families who lived there;
- the changing leaves in the Green Mountains of New Hampshire;
- and the grandeur of Niagara Falls.

Oddest tour: Wilson Castle in Vermont.

The most popular girl in our party: Miss Marshmallow.

The travel book Kaylyn liked the most was New England, published by the Lonely Planet.

Our Thanks:

To Greg, who stayed home and worked to pay for gas and admissions and campgrounds, and enthusiastically listened each night as we recounted our day's adventures.
To my cousin David and his wife Rebecca who so kindly hosted us for three days.
To Miss Marshmallow, who held together and gave us a warm place to cook, sit and sleep.
To our truck, who with 220,000 miles on it didn't give us a moment of trouble.
To those who followed our blog and gave us positive feedback - particularly Mr. Marshall and Diane.
To our Lord, who has orchestrated our lives in such a way that this mother and daughter could spend three weeks together, marveling at His creation, and enjoying just being together.

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