Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day # 12 Homeschool Activity

Have you ever made sticky buns? I make them with my bread machine. Sticky buns are one of my dad’s favorite pastries and are typical of Pennsylvania Dutch baking. You make them by mixing brown sugar, butter and nuts and putting them into the bottom of a pan. Then you make yeast dough and roll it out on the counter, sprinkle in brown sugar, cinnamon and nuts, roll it up, and slice it. You lay the rolled dough on the brown sugar mixture and bake. When they are done, you invert the pan, and the wonderful sticky is on top of your buns.

I have a favorite recipe I use, but it is at home, not here in the Marshmallow. Look on line and find a recipe you would like to try. I use my bread machine to make the rolls, but you can also use a dough you let rise in a warm place in the kitchen – like on top of the refrigerator or in a gas oven with the pilot light. 

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