Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day #5 Homeschool Activity

In Chapter 11 of the book Huckleberry Finn, Huck attempts to disguise himself as a girl, and pays a visit to a kindly woman. Nervously, he picks up a nearby needle and thread and attempts, clumsily, to thread the needle. After a time, the women lets him know she is on to him - she knows he is a boy. What gave him away?

And don't go about women in that old calico. You do a girl tolerable poor, but you might fool men, maybe. Bless you, child, when you set out to thread a needle don't hold the thread still and fetch the needle up to it; hold the needle still and poke the thread at it; that's the way a woman most always does, but a man always does t'other way. 

Find a needle and thread, and make yourself a chart. Hand the needle and thread to various people and note whether they hold the thread still or the needle still. See if the observant woman is correct. Do men hold the thread still and women hold the needle still? 

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